Monday, December 21, 2009

The Poem About the Injured Lion

The songbird delivers the message —
a friend is in pain.
I want to pluck
the thorn from their paw
but I know I’ll only
bring them temporary relief,
because they live in the forest,
and the floor is awash with thorns.
And besides, I can’t touch them
because continents separate us,
and I live in my own wilderness,
with my own pride.
I can only hope the sun
will find them,
warm their mane,
and light their way
to a beast who will walk
the path with them.
And then they can pluck each other
whenever the need or desire arises.


  1. lots of layers in this poem here... i'm not one to impose meaning on poets work, but this brings to mind for me some of the protest movements in persia lately... but then, maybe because i have a friend there who's so much of a lion and i worry about her but know that i can do so little...

    it's frustrating... (sigh)

    thanks for this poem... quite well done... i'll have to give it a second read now...


  2. Thanks, Jon. Hope your friend is well.
