Monday, February 23, 2009


Throughout my life I’ve made hundreds of rash decisions that have led me to where I am now. There’s no point to digging up the details of my past, but the point is I think I need outside advice. In the upper right hand corner of this page you will find a poll asking what I should do about my wife. Long story short is she’s been in contact with an Alien. She’s even gone so far as to say it visits us in our bed. At first I thought she was just…well…let’s just say I didn’t believe her. But she’s persistent and even more communicative with the Alien than ever before. So if you were I, what would you do? While this may seem like a joke – I wish it was – it isn’t. So please take the time and vote responsibly. My life literally depends on it. I’ll see how this works out for me, and if it goes well, maybe I’ll put more of my life choices to vote. Thanks for taking the time. Remember, making decisions for others is no joke. And, as always, please feel free to leave a comment - advice is welcome.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Mark Me

I’ve been silent for quite some time now and I’m fairly certain no one has noticed – judging by the fact that I have no new comments. The dust has settled on the play about me. I did see it one final time, and I realized that to most people, most specifically the playwright and director, my life is some kind of a joke. The first time I saw the play, I too laughed, but now as I consider things, I just wonder. What good is being done by the mocking of my life? I will take action. And, in fact, I may have begun to already do so. People will see. People will one day mark me just as Hamlet did the ghost of his father.