Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What Would Cap-n-Crunch Say About This?

So the Pirates want a piece of us. They’re calling us out. Ready to slaughter anything American because they can “recognize” our flag. I’m overwhelmed by their brilliance. Saw a picture of these guys and they are skinny. I mean, blink-and-you’ll-miss-‘em skinny. To look at them, you’d think no wonder they’re attacking ships, they need food. Too bad the sad irony is that they’re attacking ships that are bringing food aid to areas in their region. But they have guns and rocket launchers so that makes them bad asses.

It’s been a pretty good run for them so far. Many of these unarmed ships have been easy pickings in the vast oceanic expanse. But now they’re calling us out. Even calling Obama out directly. We’ll see how he responds. He says, he will. I think he’s going to have to now that the buccaneers have decided to go after Americans specifically because of his vow to combat piracy.

I wonder where Johnny Depp stands on this whole issue.


  1. Johnny Depp lives in france and we know how tose guys are in a fight!
    Seriously this has been going on forever. What we need is more equity in the world so people will not be driven to such desperdate measures.

  2. I agree. Sad part is even at a million dollars per ransomed ship, those pirates aren't going to spread their wealth anytime soon to the folks that need it.

  3. Maybe what these pirates need is some 'candy.'
