Monday, January 19, 2009

Back Atcha!

So I took the weekend off from the blog. I hope everyone's okay, and that my absence didn't dishearten you too much. I saw the play Friday. It was awesome. I think everyone should see it. I did speak with the writer afterwards and mention there are some things I would have done differently...but...hey...I can't fault him for not being Vince. Also, I liked the guy who played me a lot. I thought he did a great job. But he's not as good looking or as muscular as I am. But again, you can't fault him for not being Vince. Everyone did a great job and I think you should check it out, especially on Free Beer Monday, January 26th at 7pm. You might just see me there...


  1. Britney Says: The guy playing you Vince is ten times the man you'll ever be.

  2. I never said that. The real Vince is so hot it makes me want to shave my kidz heads.
